You are here: LinuxKernel Web>WebChanges (28 Mar 2005)

50 Recent Changes in LinuxKernel Web retrieved at 21:09 (GMT)

ARM Linux Kernel Summary System requirements Setting up kernel sources Vendor Patchsets Configuration Building the kernel Porting the kernel to a new platform ...
Statistics for nop LinuxKernel Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic ...
Building Android on ARM Platforms Commands and tools on Linux based host (instructions are for Ubuntu/Debian) The information here is according to http://source ...
ARM Ltd. Linux kernel repositories General kernel repositories ARM architecture development kernel a consolidation of various new ARM architecture features ...
Linux on Cortex M3 Introduction Cortex M3 is an ARMv7 M CPU targeting the microcontrollers space. It supports the Thumb 2 instruction set, Memory Protection Unit ...
SivaPrasad 17 Aug 2010 hi, i am working on DM6467 EVM containing TMS320DM6467(ARM 9 CORE) with include DAVINCI technology and i had already ported linux kernel 2.6 ...
NEON support Enabling NEON CONFIG NEON is required to enable NEON support in the Linux kernel You must also have CONFIG VFPv3 to save/restore the VFPv3 D32 context ...
Power Management The importance of reducing power consumption is a key concern to provide longer battery life with mobile and embedded devices. By enabling software ...
VFP Support in Linux Introduction This page describes the Linux support for the common VFP subarchitecture specification (both VFPv2 and VFPv3). For a VFP application ...
Porting Linux to a new ARM platform This document provides a summary of the steps when porting Linux to a new ARM platform or a new processor. In this page we assume ...
nop LinuxKernel Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LinuxKernel web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ...





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